I attended the Silverlight Dev Camp today and found out the Microsoft is providing 4GB of video space to registered users for free at http://silverlight.live.com/ I have not idea what I’m going to use it for, but I’m sure I’ll think of something.
Help San Diego
In case you haven’t heard, California has been hit with the worst series of wildfires that I’ve known with San Diego and surrounding areas effected the most. While you are praying for them, remember the God does his best work through us. Right now the Salvation Army San Diego efforts needs your help so they […]
IE7 Drawbacks
It has always been known that Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) was going to cause challenges with designing and developing web sites once it was released. IE7 has become a literal nightmare for those of us developing web sites, not only for how the web sites themselves look and act to visitors, but also how […]